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luoyang hongfeng refractories and abrasives co.,ltd

Company Profile
Luoyang HongFeng Refractories and Abrasives Co., Ltd.(HRAC)

was built in the year 2000, and almost at the same time, our corporation also began to enter into the manufacture field and continuously invest to the artificial corundum and silicon carbide factories. Today, we have been developed to be a leading manufacturing-trading complex enterprise. Now HRAC own one sharing bauxite mine, one full investment artificial corundum size processing plant, one artificial corundum smelting plant with five bau...
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Contact Us
Company: luoyang hongfeng refractories and abrasives co.,ltd
Contact: Mr. pan fujun
Address: Address£º Unit D,21/F,Block A,Building 1,Tongyuan International Garden,No.427 ZhongzhouZhongRoad, Luoyang
Postcode: 471000
Tel: 86 379 63329196/7/8/
Fax: 86 379 63329059


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Tel : 86 379 63329196/7/8/ Fax : 86 379 63329059
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